T.M. Aggarwal | Category: Engineering
Binding Type: Paperback Binding
Book Details
ISBN: 9789386677839
YOP: 2019
Pages: 325 (Approx)
Mine Planning In a Cement Plant the mining plan has to be considered as a completely integrated part of the process sequence, concerned with the transformation of heterogeneous quarry materials into a homogenous raw blend. This sequence comprises all unit operations from blast hole drilling to feeding of the raw mill, and constituents what could be called the raw blend production system. A Mining Plan should therefore not be developed separately, but simultaneously with the design for the complete raw blend production system. There are two distinct trends in long-term quarry planning. One is based on programming the conventional exploration data and their analysis by computers, subsequent comparison by interpolation programme and deriving synoptic tables on graphic interpretations of open-cast mining plans, quarry operating schemes etc. For continuous mining operations another trend is simulation techniques of approaching the problem through a model of the real situation, coupled with linear programming. Some studies have highlighted the importance of basic geochemical data collection in my planning. For selecting the type of machinery and designing work involvement, the influence of overburden thickness or selection of explosive and rock breakage have been studied. The close universe relationship between porosity and rock breakage and the complex influence of bulk density have also been elaborated for help in quarrying.