Ishwar C Dhingra | Sanjay Kataria | Category: Economics
Book Details
ISBN: 9789386677211
YOP: 2018
Pages: 272
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Demonetisation, the Black Swan Event of the 21st century, shook the whole universe, as it had ramifications for economic agents throughout length and breadth of the universe. It had its critics and admirers too. But soon enough critics had reasons enough to change their views and voluntarily chose to join the other bandwagon. The initial gut reaction, without any serious scrutiny, was that this policy action was ill advised and mired in undue haste, for some political brownies. But as the act began to unfold the feeling began to sink in into big think tanks and intellectual scholars and others that it was more than that. Demonetisation is aimed at uncovering the big organised powerful multidimensional underground economy. It soon became clear that Demonetisation was only another step in regularising and disciplining underground economy so that its economic agents work to the advantage of the national economy.
Digitisation of the whole economy is being seen as a first step to launch a full scale effort to make this goal attainable. What is digitisation, why to digitise & how to digitise and all questions and their probable answers have been dealt in a reader’s friendly manner. Students, Scholars and Academicians of Economics will find this book as an easy reference on this defining event/topic of our era.
1. Underground Economy
2. Digitisation: What is it?
3. Digital Currency
4. Digitisation in India
5. Demonization and Underground Economy
6. Cashless Economy in India
7. How Digitisation Can Uncover Underground Economy?
Demonetisation, the Black Swan Event of the 21st century, shook the whole universe, as it had ramifications for economic agents throughout length and breadth of the universe. It had its critics and admirers too. But soon enough critics had reasons enough to change their views and voluntarily chose to join the other bandwagon. The initial gut reaction, without any serious scrutiny, was that this policy action was ill advised and mired in undue haste, for some political brownies. But as the act began to unfold the feeling began to sink in into big think tanks and intellectual scholars and others that it was more than that. Demonetisation is aimed at uncovering the big organised powerful multidimensional underground economy. It soon became clear that Demonetisation was only another step in regularising and disciplining underground economy so that its economic agents work to the advantage of the national economy.
Digitisation of the whole economy is being seen as a first step to launch a full scale effort to make this goal attainable. What is digitisation, why to digitise & how to digitise and all questions and their probable answers have been dealt in a reader’s friendly manner. Students, Scholars and Academicians of Economics will find this book as an easy reference on this defining event/topic of our era.
1. Underground Economy
2. Digitisation: What is it?
3. Digital Currency
4. Digitisation in India
5. Demonization and Underground Economy
6. Cashless Economy in India
7. How Digitisation Can Uncover Underground Economy?