TM Aggarwal | Category: Engineering
Book Details
ISBN: 9789386221018 YOP: 2018
Pages: 550
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Electricity is vital for development and social transformation for all developed and developing countries of the world. Today’sInfrastructure requirement in the world, electricity is the most essential component. Without ready availability of cheaper energy, thegreat strides taken by the society, industry, transport and agriculture could have been unimaginable. Energy is at the root of civilization and technological upgradation.
The demand for electricity in India has been growing very fast year by year. In spite of the significant and impressive strides in the development of power sector capacity, the growth in demand surpasses the growth in power generation by leaps and bounds. The overall gap between demand and supply was 12.6. % in year 2006-2007, which due to rapid progress in year to year installed capacity of power generation has become a plus 2.5% in the year 2016 and India is now counted amongst the power surplus nations of the world.
Energy is one of the most important prerequisites of Life. Without energy our entire civilization – transport industrial manufacturing, commercial activity and food production – would come to a standstill Since prehistoric times human society has been consuming a constantly increasing amount of energy. The modern industrial era brought with it marked increase in consumption of energy and changes in energy sources From wood and coal to predominantly oil and natural gas.
Thermal Power Plants use fuels for power generation. Water is used for process, cooling, as well as for service/drinking requirement. Chemicals are used for conditioning of water, corrosion-control and sometimes for conditioning of fuel as well. Lubricants are used for machinery. These inputs generate waste products. Human related wastes (sewage etc.) are also generated along with the processed waste.
These pollutants/wastes need to be treated before their disposal from the plants. The treated effluents are required to meet the limits set by Central / State Pollution Control Boards. The regulations, issued by these agencies, specify the maximum allowable limits applicable to the pollutants discharge from the Power Plants. This book is a serious effort that deals in detail with all the above issues and we are sure that scientists, academicians, researchers and professionals who are constantly facing these issues and are striving to move towards a zero emission regime, will find this monograph a very useful reference tool on the topic.
1. Thermal Power Generation
2. Energy and Environment
3. Thermal Power Plants and Pollution
Electricity is vital for development and social transformation for all developed and developing countries of the world. Today’sInfrastructure requirement in the world, electricity is the most essential component. Without ready availability of cheaper energy, thegreat strides taken by the society, industry, transport and agriculture could have been unimaginable. Energy is at the root of civilization and technological upgradation.
The demand for electricity in India has been growing very fast year by year. In spite of the significant and impressive strides in the development of power sector capacity, the growth in demand surpasses the growth in power generation by leaps and bounds. The overall gap between demand and supply was 12.6. % in year 2006-2007, which due to rapid progress in year to year installed capacity of power generation has become a plus 2.5% in the year 2016 and India is now counted amongst the power surplus nations of the world.
Energy is one of the most important prerequisites of Life. Without energy our entire civilization – transport industrial manufacturing, commercial activity and food production – would come to a standstill Since prehistoric times human society has been consuming a constantly increasing amount of energy. The modern industrial era brought with it marked increase in consumption of energy and changes in energy sources From wood and coal to predominantly oil and natural gas.
Thermal Power Plants use fuels for power generation. Water is used for process, cooling, as well as for service/drinking requirement. Chemicals are used for conditioning of water, corrosion-control and sometimes for conditioning of fuel as well. Lubricants are used for machinery. These inputs generate waste products. Human related wastes (sewage etc.) are also generated along with the processed waste.
These pollutants/wastes need to be treated before their disposal from the plants. The treated effluents are required to meet the limits set by Central / State Pollution Control Boards. The regulations, issued by these agencies, specify the maximum allowable limits applicable to the pollutants discharge from the Power Plants. This book is a serious effort that deals in detail with all the above issues and we are sure that scientists, academicians, researchers and professionals who are constantly facing these issues and are striving to move towards a zero emission regime, will find this monograph a very useful reference tool on the topic.
1. Thermal Power Generation
2. Energy and Environment
3. Thermal Power Plants and Pollution